
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nov. 5

Nov. 5
Okay - each day is becoming a blur - i have to check to see what day it is - it gets so confusing!!

What a day it was! For some crazy reason i woke up at 4:30 am!! CRAZY! the even crazier thing is that i am still up and it is 10pm here! But i really want to share what happened today:)

I was so thankful that the L. woke me up so early so that i could finish what i wanted to blog this morning. I was able to blog, get dressed and then go on a walk in the village! I was so excited! I took my camera too:) I am trying to get better about taking pics but i am having a hard time emailing them an uploading them because my laptop is super slow and it takes forever - when i get home i will have to upload all of them then:)

So, we ventured out of the PHF compound (i say this b/c it is 6 acres and totally fenced in) the first sight that we saw i actually couldn't believe my eyes - i just wanted to prayed for the man - he was actually fishing through the garbage and eating it - it was a sight that i will never forget. We continued on down the dirt village roads - we saw many homes drying out corn (i imagine that they are drying it out to use for fuel to burn) All of the homes have a courtyard with a gate entrance - many were cracked open and i was able to peek inside - a few had animals which surprised me and of course the corn to dry out. We made our way to the village bakery - which doesn't look like a "store" but just a room with a long table and a lady making a deep fried bread - we bought several and gobbled them up. We also bought some candied mini apple type thing - not sure exactly what it was but it was interesting - the man was riding his bike/cart with quite a display of these candied fruits on a stick - he was excited for us to buy:) We made our way back to pHF in time for our morning devo. and time of wor. - during this time we pra.... specifically for PHF and for a miracle to happen here in the next 10 days - they need to raise about 350,000 dollars to continue this minis... here. Teh gov't is requireing a down payment for the last phase of the development. They had the money this last summer but many kids that came here needed very serious surgeries and PHF had to use $ from this fund to pay for it - now they are needing that $ in a huge way - so Please!!! pray for a miracle to work here.

This morning we went to the clinic to play with the kids. They were so happy to see us:) We arrived at snack time but they soon finished and it was a wonderful time. It is so amazing to see their faces light up!! I played with a little boy named Kennedy - he is so precious he has hydocephalus (sp?) I just found out that his family took him to the orphanage this summer:( He is about 4 or 5 years old... I also enjoyed playing with another little boy (i'm not sure of his name) he has a cleft lip and palate and a malformed arm - he was delighted when i took him out of the bouncer chair and played ball and xylophone with him.

Then we were off to get ready for VBS - it went really well. The kids loved the gack (cornstarch and water) the nannies didn't though - they were VERY worried about them getting dirty - it was great! Because they got messy anyway!!! LOL! There was a few kids that we had to pry away! They had never seen that mixture before and was very curious about it...

Soon, after VBS was over we prepared our Inn for fellowship with the Baker family, the Moody famiy (the Dr.s at the clinic) and Dawn (the sped teacher). But before they came - we did a pra.... walk around the site of the area where the new building is supposed to be - we are really hoping for a miracle.

After everyone arrived, we ate and visited and soon began an wonderful night of wor.... We layed hands on each family and pra.... for them - it was a very moving experience and we are truly trusting that G. will do something mighty hear. They too shared at how much they appreciated us being here at this time. The Dr.s are VERY grateful for the supplies that we brought - they said that it brought tears to their eyes - they are very valuable things for them. Especially with the upcoming months which is usually full of sickness - they are happy to have the meds to treat the children! Thank you to those that helped with the supplies - it is awesome to see how meaningful it is to them here. Please lift these families that are working here up in pr.....r -it is hard for them to be here along with out family and friends to support them physically - they are doing an awesome work!

Well... i am now officially the first one up and the last one to bed - i am hoping to sleep in tomorrow but we'll see what the L. has for me:):):) I will probably be awakened by the construction workers setting off fireworks in order to scare off the evil spirits before they can work... that's China for you:)

Thank you to those that are for us here - please pr.. for Harmony house too - we will see them on Monday:) And thank you for pr... ing for my family at home and helping them too!


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